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A strong criminal defense lawyer will assist you throughout the entire case.  I work with each and every client on an individual basis to make sure we attempt to achieve the best possible outcome for each case. 

The types of Felony cases that I handle include:

  • Violent Crimes

  • Weapons and Firearms Charges

  • Drunk Driving: DUI/OWI: Traffic Offenses; Reckless Driving;

  • Drug and Narcotics Offenses:  including trafficking, conspiracy cases, and/or possession cases involving marijuana, cocaine, heroin, prescription drugs, methamphetamine and other drugs;

  • Theft Cases:  Felony and Misdemeanor;

  • Domestic Battery:  Intimidation


The types of misdemeanor cases that I handle include:


  • Driving while intoxicated or DUI/OWI (drunk driving)

  • Possession of marijuana or other illegal drugs

  • Battery

  • Domestic Battery

  • Theft

  • Shoplifting

  • Prostitution

  • Trepass

  • Vandalism

  • Possession of a firearm

  • Traffic offenses

Serious Traffic Offenses:

  • Habitual Traffic Violators

  • Driving While Suspended

  • Miscellaneous Criminal Acts While in a Vehicle

  • Failing to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle

  • Reckless Driving

Any person who is arrested and charged with a Misdemeanor should receive the same type of legal representation that a person charged with a Felony receives.  Every person arrested for a crime in Indiana faces the possibility of loss of employment, incarceration in jail or prison, being forced to pay a bond to get out of jail, court costs, fines and other fees associated with probation and/or release conditions.


Furthermore, when a person is arrested, a criminal arrest record is created which follows that person for the rest of their lives. Additionally, it may become difficult to become employed or to find housing.  Educational opportunities may decrease as well because funding may not be available for those who have been convicted of specific crimes.  


It is my job as a criminal defense attorney to passionately and aggressively attack and defend every criminal charge, whether it is a Misdemeanor or a Felony, in order to protect your rights and future. 


Indiana law specifies different penalties for different types of offenses. If convicted, you could face some serious penalties such as:


  • Murder:  45 to 65 years in state prison, up to a $10,000 fine

  • Class A Felony:  20 to 50 years in state prison, up to a $10,000 fine

  • Class B Felony:  6 to 20 years in state prison, up to a $10,000 fine

  • Class C Felony:  2 to 8 years in state prison, up to a $10,000 fine

  • Class D Felony:  6 months to 3 years in state prison, up to a $10,000 fine

  • Class A Misdemeanor:  0 to 365 days in county jail, up to a $5,000 fine

  • Class B Misdemeanor:  0 to 180 days in county jail, up to a $1,00 fine

  • Class C Misdemeanor:  0 to 60 days in county jail, up to a $500 fine





Attorney at Law

320 N. Meridian Street

Suite 1006

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone:  (317) 624-4559

Fax:        (317) 855-6283

Call for a Free 15-minute Consultation   (317) 624-4559

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Photos by Jay Goldz @iamjaygoldz (social media),


The information and materials on this website are provided for general informational purposes only, and are not intended to be legal advice.  We attempt to provide quality information, but the law changes frequently, and varies from jurisdiction to jurisdictiono.  The information and materials provided are general in nature, and may not apply to a specific factual or legal circumstance.  An attorney and client relationship should not be implied.  Nothing on this website is intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney; therefore, if you require legal advice, please consult with a competent attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.

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